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Plant-based at price parity in two German retailers

Lidl Germany announced that it will price almost all of its own-brand vegan products under the Vemondo range at equal levels to their animal-based counterparts and will position these vegan products alongside their animal-based counterparts in all of its 3,250+ stores.

The move is part of Lidl’s sustainability strategy, which aims to reduce animal-based products and increase plant-based offerings. Lidl currently offers up to 650 vegan items, including over 100 products in its Vemondo range.

The company has also disclosed the proportion of animal protein sources compared to plant-based protein sources in its assortment, with plans to increase plant-based protein sources to 20% and alternative dairy products to 10% by 2030.

Shortly after, German hypermarket chain, Kaufland (part of the Schwarz Gruppe, which also owns Lidl), also announced that they have followed in Lidl’s footsteps and will drop the prices of its 90+ own-brand plant-based products to that, or lower than their animal counterparts.

More here: Lidl Announces Price Parity of Vegan Products with Animal Based Counterparts

More here: Another German Retailer Drops Plant-Based Prices as Kaufland Follows Lidl’s Lead – vegconomist – the vegan business magazine